Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The world tries to change

Obama is raising the fuel efficiency standards (called CAFE) and as usual the car industry and many others say that it will cost the consumer too much, much of the car industry is not fighting the plan though. A suprising fact is that economists don't talk with industry much. So we get big business making business claims that sound like economics, really they are just saying that they do not want to be forced to change, but constant change is what keeps an economy healthy. Business is not Economics.

This piece from Greenpeace explains the ideal path to dealing with climat change, according to them. They are deffinitely one end of the political spectrum, but their rhetoric is more favorable to our environment than many of our politicians in the US Congress.

Poverty in Africa increased greatly in the last several years, this press release from UNEP address the agricultural needs of Africa.

The United Nations just held a chemical conference that functions to get world governments to produce less toxic and harmful products.

Apparently Bush II held private talks with China about reducing green house gas emissions. Does this change your view of Bush II?

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