Thursday, March 5, 2009

3/5/09: The world is getting better.....

Organic and Local have been Buzz words in the last several years, but they may not deliver all that we want them to deliver. By making standards too strict many farmers are left out of the game of making their farm more environmental. This article from MotherJones gives a good analysis of current food trends and where a more favorable path may be found.

While the world is attempting to figure out how to emit less carbon into the atmosphere Exxon is investing US$150 billion during the next five years in oil and natural gas extraction. They should invest in alternative energy, but no, they are counting on increased carbon fuel use which will be a self-fulfilling prophesy.

The US Dept. of Energy is looking to restart a project, that Bush killed, that captures carbon emissions from coal powered plants so that they do not enter the atmosphere. This research is greatly needed as coal will be a fuel that we will use greatly in the next 50 years. The question is, will we do it, and will it be the cheapest way to deal with emissions from burning coal.

NASA launched a new satellite that would have provided us with better tracking of where carbon emissions are coming from and going in our atmosphere. But, it crashed and over US$200 million has been wasted.

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