Sunday, November 30, 2008

11/30/08: Climate protests on the rise

People are increasingly showing opposition to coal fired power plants around the world. The US decided a court case in April 2008 that forces the US's Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to consider CO2 a pollutant. This makes climate impacts a factor is deciding whether or not to build a coal fired power plant and has put a freeze on the construction of 100 plants.

click here for the article

We can talk all we want but unless we stop the construction of coal fired power plants the effort to reduce CO2 emissions will be fruitless. Coal is so cheap and in such abundance in the USA that if a coal fire power plant is built it will burn coal for several decades.

China is the one with the heaviest dilemma when it comes to coal.

Carbon Sequestration is the only "silver bullet" for coal fired power plants that i have ever heard of. But since this article in 1999 that describes carbon sequestration not much has been done to implement it.

11/30/08: From Urine to Drinking Water

Could we provide millions of thirsty people with clean drinking water by using devices that turn urine into water.

Click here for the article

I am personally not in support of our human waste infrastructure. I think that us mixing black water and gray water in our water treatment facilities is a health and an economic mistake. We are turning a renewable resource into waste with our current sewer system and we are wasting a lot of water by doing so (for an article about wetlands as waste treatment facilities and composting toilets click here).

Click here for the article

11/30/08: Oil prices and OPEC. OPEC affects your life more than your government does.

This article is about OPEC and oil prices. OPEC (Organization for the Oil Exporting Countries) is a cartel that attempts to control the petroleum market. This article is very thick but also very informative and concise.

11/30/08: America agrees to pull out of Iraq

This article is about the new agreement between the Iraqi and American government that pulls back American troops into the barracks in 6 months and then out of the country permanently with no residual American bases by 2011.

No American politician got there way or fulfilled their plans.

Did America win, or did they lose?

Here is the link